Rebel Psychotherapy + Human Design + Modern Mysticism

1:1 immersion for the highly sensitive Soul

Live Your Human Design, Break Free From The Matrix & Become The Sacred Visionary Of The New Paradigm

April - August 2024

Ready to unleash?

Invite me in & learn how you can Unleash Your Magic.

The Doors to Unleash Your Magic are closed. Send me an email to get on the waitlist for Fall.


Can you feel the calling?

You want to feel free and safe in your body

... so you can stop burning out, and know exactly what you need to nourish and heal yourself from working a job you hate.

You’re ready to heal your throat chakra you can cut out resentment, speak your wisdom out loud and attract your soul family, who love to hear what you have to say.

You want a steady connection with your intuition you can drop the doubt and know your decisions will move you forward towards creating a legacy you’re proud of.

If you answered Yes to any of these, welcome to your evolution

i know you’re ready…

You know it's time to trust yourself with all your knowledge, wisdom and experience. The desire to live your life as you've always dreamed is palpable.

To trust yourself.

To have a community and a career you love.

You’re ready to live as the Magical, magnetic, courageous and compassionate woman you are. Surrounded by your soul family.

The problem? You keep abandoning yourself.

You compromise. You dismiss your needs. You’re burnt out. You feel trapped by the life you’ve built.

You’ve been conditioned to live in opposition to what your soul came here for.

You dream of freeing the untapped, unexpressed part of you. But fear holds you back - and you find yourself settling, distracting and hiding.

Can you hear the calling?

The Magic in your bones aching for liberation.

But the fear of judgement stops you in your tracks.

Secretly, you dream of living a life free of expectations.

You want to follow your heart, explore your passions and speak your truth. But you're terrified of blowing up your life.

And it's so frustrating. You have this calling to create the life you dream of but you weren't taught how to trust yourself.

The truth is: the Magic inside you is your key to freedom.

I believe it’s your birthright to express all your Magic.

(By the way, did you know that the original meaning of the word Magic is 'to hold power'?)

It is imperative to lay claim to your Magic in order to live a fulfilling life. You were were born to be extraordinary and celebrated for who you are.

You know the greatest paradox of being human? In order to survive, we are wired to connect. So it feels like death when you are different from your tribe. This means, you will abandon your truth to fit in. Which, inevitably, keeps you stuck in a pattern of self-sacrifice and distraction.

But times are changing. Self sacrifice is the old paradigm. Abandoning yourself to fit into the status quo is ending. There is an evolutionary shift occurring and, if you're reading this, you’re part of it. This new era, the Golden Age, is facilitating a deep global shift that frees you from smothering your Magic.

The key to this evolution? Reclaim the connection to your body, live unapologetically by your values (or what I like to call - Your Magic Code), and attune to the clarity of your intuition.

Reclaiming your Magic is the ultimate evolution.

I get it.

I’ve been there.

As a kid, I was conditioned to dismiss my emotions, discount my intuition and ask other people what I should do.

Like you, I learned the subtle art of abandoning myself.

Over the past 13 years, I've become an expert at embodying my Magic and trusting myself to walk my soul's path.

This has been the deepest and most confronting work I have done.

All in service to my soul calling me forward.

As a Psychotherapist, I have helped 500+ people walk through their fear and find the courage to create change. As an Intuitive and Human Design specialist, I’ve collaborated with hundreds to align their desires with the quantum field.

To embody my magic, I needed to trust my inner wisdom and heal myself (and later, my clients) from self doubt, depression and debilitating anxiety. And lean into my Human Design strategy and authority.

The shift was profound. I aligned myself with my unique rhythm which cleared the self abandonment program. Plus, I created balance between my mind, body and soul. This led to harmony in my life, work and relationships.

This is why I created Unleash Your Magic.

Here’s how we do it:

the magic codes

Codes are the building blocks of life. Magic is the portal to your power.

Combine the Codes & Magic - get your key to freedom.

Ready? Let’s decode the Magic!

here’s the magic we decode

Cease Your Forcing

Even though all the answers are inside you - you doubt yourself. You spend your days willing yourself to get things done trying to fit into some outdated box. And here you are burnt out and uninspired. This is called an inversion paradigm. It is the opposite of how you are meant to thrive - aligned to your natural rhythms.

Here, we will spend time reconnecting to your natural rhythms as reflected to you in Mother Earth.

Radical Self Responsibility

How you view yourself - your shadows and your light - is a direct reflection of how you engage with life.

This is where you are called to devote yourself to you. Let’s release the vows to others and commit yourself to love and curiosity. We’re going to get radically honest. Which is the key to unlocking the codes of Will Power, Free Will, Willingness and Creator’s Will.

Be Your Ultimate Authority

Your energetic frequency is a unique encoding of the light of Creator. You are not meant to be like anyone else. You are here to express yourself as the unique being that you are.

Are you ready to create in alignment with your unique expression? Live your truth. Notice the signals from Creator. Build trust. Live with Purpose and this will give you your purpose.

From Survival to Pleasure

Now it’s time to relax into your natural state of pleasure, inspiration and creative flow.

See, the stress, anxiety and stuckness in your body is a survival mechanism that disconnects you from your somatic wisdom.

Here, you cultivate care for your body so it can support you to do all the things you dream of.

Magnetize Miracles

Your energetic frequency is a unique encoding of the light of Creator. You are not meant to be like anyone else. You are here to express yourself as the unique being that you are.

Are you ready to create in alignment to your unique Human Design? Live your truth. Notice the signals from Creator. Build trust. Live with Purpose and this will give you your purpose.

Reclaim Your Power

The word Magic comes from the Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to have power."

All the wisdom and guidance you need is available to you in your direct experience with life. Feed the fire of your imagination. Nurture the grounding of your body. Move your emotions. Stir up your cretive power. Become the deliberate co-creator of your life.

Ready to begin?

Invite me in & discover your first steps to reclaiming your power.

The Doors to Unleash Your Magic are closed. Send me an email to get on the waitlist for Fall.

my clients experience magic

"If someone told me who I would become and how my life would unfold by January 2024, I would have been in genuine disbelief.

I had already been diving into my spirituality for years. But I still felt like my mind, body and soul were disconnected. This was blocking me from the version of myself I knew I could be.

My work with Juliana began with embodiment and has unfolded in many ways; deep meditations, human design, and talk therapy. Juliana has created the safest container for me to be seen and allow myself to express my wounds and shadows. Because of our work together, I am more tapped into my intuition, grounded in self and deeply at peace with who I am. I take up space in ways that feel authentic and my decisions and actions are no longer influenced by how others may interpret them.

Juliana has been by my side through many life transitions and no matter the theme, a session with her is exactly what my soul needs.”

~ Aleks Kasikovic

unleash your magic timeline

Monthly Codes:


What You’ll Practice:

  • Receive the Spiral Path Template - a guide to interpret and leverage your season of expansion.

  • Use your Human Design chart to understand how conditioning has influenced you. Decondition by learning how to unhook from judgement, guilt and regret.

  • Discover the 3 greatest lies of the collective unconscious that keep you stuck in patterns of self-sacrifice and distraction. Learn how to rewire them.

Embody The Magic Of…

Freeing yourself from the distorted teachings of life on Earth. Put down the beliefs that keep you stuck.

Know exactly what you need to nourish and heal yourself by attuning to the current season you are in. Break free from shame, obedience and perfection.

Monthly Codes:


What You’ll Practice:

  • Identify and interpret the 9 primary archetypes from your dreams and nature. Use their wisdom to guide you in your life.

  • Learn the 5 ways your body protects you from fear, and how to use fear as your ally.

  • Receive my Intuitive Movement practice for releasing trauma and stored emotions in the body and mind.

Embody The Magic Of…

Giving your body what it needs - time, space and movement to drop into its natural healing state. This will reduce your stress levels. You will sleep better, you will heal from burn out and you will access pleasure.

Monthly Codes:


What You’ll Practice:

  • Cleanse your energy body. Clean up chords from past lovers, bosses and friends. Keep yourself free from outside unwanted energies, beliefs and programs.

  • Heal your throat chakra with my favourite ancient practice so you can speak your truth.

  • Connect with your ancestors. Clear their doubt and fear. Claim their strength and gifts.

  • Journey into a theta state and connect to the unseen realm.

Embody The Magic Of…

The skill of imagining. Develop the energetic ability to clear, ground and center so you have a strong auric field. Lay claim to your ancestors wisdom through energetic healings and messages from your intuition.

Monthly Codes:


Embody The Magic Of…

  • Tend to your Soul’s Purpose with the sacred mirror. Unveil the power of the Queen in your own eyes.

  • Declare your worth by creating your own Magic Code designed to pronounce your sovereign truth.

  • Get my People Pleaser’s Guide to Boundaries and the Art of Saying No.

What You’ll Practice:

Sharpening your sword of discernment and anchoring your values so decision making becomes easy.

Learn the Art of Saying No and create space for your Yes. Let go of resentment. Root yourself into your Magic so you align clearly with your truth.

Ready to begin?

Invite me in & let’s get you started.

The Doors to Unleash Your Magic are closed. Send me an email to get on the waitlist for Fall.


The Program: How is Unleash Your Magic delivered?

You get 1:1 access to me for our full 4 months.

Your deep transformational work will occur with me in 1:1 sessions.

The teachings will be delivered through my library of on-demand videos to anchor in the foundational learnings of the Magic Codes.

You will receive extra support from me via What’s App as you go about your daily life.

Frequency: How often do we meet?

You get my full 1:1 support and guidance 3 times a month online for 4 months.

  • This includes:

    • One 90 minute session per month.

    • Two 60 minute sessions per month.

The Sessions: How do they look?

Unleash Your Magic bridges the practical aspects of psychotherapy with the magical aspect of ancient mystic teachings and Human Design to propel you forward into being the Sacred Visionary of the new paradigm.

  • You get my 10+ psychotherapy training.

    • Unlimited access to me for any guilt, shame, or self abandonment that could come up.

  • Walk away with a profound understanding of your Human Design.

    • We will hold the framework of your type as we work together to decondition.

  • Gather incredible esoteric wisdom

    • Learn to clear energy, journey to your guides and angels, connect with Creator to unleash your magic.

Commitment: How long is program?

Unleash Your Magic is a 4 month journey.

  • We officially begin on the full moon on April 22nd.

  • 4 months is a sacred incubator for the unfolding of your unique Magic.

  • The level of change you want to create takes commitment and desire.

Support: What happens between sessions?

You have me available via What’s App in between your sessions for voice and text messages during office hours.

This means you can message me about anything that may come up during life and get support with how to navigate it through the lens of your goal for the program.

The Library: Your Collection Of Teachings

A library of on-demand video teachings in your online portal.

These videos will include; foundational teachings of the Magic Codes, curated meditations, and embodiment practices.

unleash your magic bonuses

Human Design Reading & Strategy Session

We’ll dive into your unique energy and how you can create in alignment with the quantum field.

Join me for a 90 minute session where we look at your bodygraph and come up with a specific plan to support you to tap into the tool of Human Design.

If you’ve had your chart read - no worries - we’ll go even deeper!

On Demand Guidance & Support

You will have me in your back pocket over the course of the 4 months through a voice and text app.

Any questions, wonderings or integrations you have in between sessions, you can send them to me and I will respond and support you through.

Soul purpose transmission

Your Soul Purpose is not what you do, it is how you BE.

This transmission is a recorded message that is interpreted from your Human Design and Gene Key chart. This is created just for you to anchor in the expression of your soul’s unique encoding. And the gifts you bring into the world simply by BEing.

Intuitive Embodiment Practice

Press the pause button on life and anchor yourself by connecting and nurturing your nervous system and body.

Join me for a monthly group movement practice that shifts trauma, highlights pleasure, and balances your feminine and masculine energies.

Monthly Energy Reports

Everything is energy and you are a part of the whole.

Receive recorded audio files of the astrological and archetypal energies each month.

You’ll get to lean into the lessons of the cosmos to guide you and propel you closer towards your power and Magic.

my clients experience magic

"Before I worked with Juliana I was feeling frustrated with a lack of flow in my business and a resistance that I couldn’t put my finger on. With the help of Juliana’s Guides and her on point intuition, I was taken exactly where I needed to go to see what was going on and to also remedy it.

Juliana has a beautiful warm and loving energy, which made me feel very safe to go as deep as we did in such a short space in time.

I feel so relieved to have got to the bottom of what was going on as I was denying a vital aspect of myself that was causing a disconnect from my true self, which of course was showing up as the lack of flow and resistance in my business.”

~ Natasha Black

the initiate’s circle is closed

Unleash Your Magic will be available again in the autumn.


  • Yes! Please ask if a payment plane would be supportive.

    • You receive instant access to my booking calendar to schedule your 12 1:1 sessions.

    • You become an expert at your living your Human Design strategy and authority

    • A library of on demand videos with practices and lessons so you can utilize your 1:1 time with me getting the real support you need.

    • You get access to my unlimited voice support via What’s App

    • Monthly transit reports, designed to support your expansion.

    • An in-depth Human Design reading

    • Meditations and energy healings

    • You get my 10+ psychotherapy training.

    • Unlimited access to me for any guilt, shame, or self abandonment that could come up.

  • The best way to answer this question, is to schedule a call with me. This way we have time to get to know each other and you have the chance to really feel into this invitation. Click here to schedule your call.

  • Unleash Your Magic is a 4 month program.

  • That’s totally ok! You receive and in depth Human Design reading and you can use it to leverage this program.