light language 

cosmic elemental frequencies

channelled activations

light code to possibility

light & sound frequencies

Light Language is channelled frequencies of light and sound. It is a connective, empowering and heart-centered form of communication that bipasses the logical brain and speaks directly to the heart.

The Language of Light utilizes the body and vocal chords to express a high frequency energy. Just as a musical instrument can be tuned to 432 mhz, the body can also become attuned to being a channel for Light Code to come through.

You will find Light Language expressed verbally, by spoken word or song, physically, by the movement of the body or through artistic expression, and silently.

Above all, Light Language is an experience. You feel it with your body and your heart. When you are in the receptive mode, you can sense in your core that it is ancient and integral wisdom being shared with you.

It is multidimensional communication that works on telepathic and energetic levels that contain frequencies of creation that awaken your ability to feel Divine Love an synchronizes your vibration to a higher frequency of Love

Light Code magic

With your focused intent and permission, Juliana will offer you Light Code Blessings in both her workshops and in The Unleash Your Magic Portal.

You will receive frequency codes that are most aligned to you and your Higher Self. It is a transmission of Love that will only impact you, you should you choose it to be so. Because there is free will, your Higher Self will have full choice to receive these light codes.

What makes Light Language so magical, is that it cannot be through logically, it is designed to be felt. It is a subtle energy that activates your own innate Remembering.

It reminds you of your direct connection with Life and the sacred act of living in your body, in this lifetime, on this planet. It supports your healing by connecting directly to your Higher Self that will bring forward opportunities for your most aligned transformation.

Through Light Language Magic you will receive heart connection with yourself and others both in the physical and subtle realms.

If you would like to experience Light Language Magic with Juliana, please check out one of her workshops.